Reasons Why Remote Work is New Normal

working from home

Most of the employees at this time wished that them boss would let them work from home or anywhere. What about working an hour or two at home after supper? Or live abroad for a few months without risking the loss of your income? Many employees, both remote work and physical, are wishing for these types of opportunities.

However, there are still some downsides to remote work. Gone are the days when it was assumed that employees had to be in the office, working in the build-zone. It is becoming increasingly popular with people to work from home. In this article, I will explore the reasons why and provide points to help you decide.

The changing face of work

Originally, workers had to commute to work and often long hours on structures like an assembly line. Now, we work remotely and use video and web conferencing tools to stay connected. The development of these technologies has led to a redefinition of what we mean by “work” and how we interact with co-workers–over the phone, Skype, or somewhere else.

Another influence is the shift in how work is paid. Rather than receiving an annual salary, partial pay for projects can be distributed across shorter time frames. Increased people are choosing to work remotely, hang out from home, or could have the flexibility to do both.

Working from a remote office is convenient for several reasons. One is that you can always be in control of your time and place of going to work. Entrepreneurs prefer this because it gives them the opportunity to focus on one area at a time while managing other aspects online.

Flexibility to your career

There are many benefits of permanent remote work and companies everywhere want to find creative and flexible solutions to balance careers with family life. Remote job has been around for a while, but the demand is growing as technology empowers everyone to work from anywhere. It can mean greater chances of advancement, less time taken out from family life, or even the ability to manage a career as a side job.

New careers are opening which people can do from home, but it should balance productivity with social interactions. I think the number one thing that drew me (and keeps me) to remote work is the flexibility it brings to your career. Consider this: if you are unhappy, working remotely will allow you to take time for yourself and put your needs first. But if you are happy and productive, being able to work from home also means you can travel more or throw a sick day in a pinch.


Your office is wherever you are

Can you imagine not having take-out food every day, or not missing an exciting event because of an overtime conflict? With remote work, it is all possible–you can even work while traveling! Not everyone wants to work in an office and commute for hours.

Remote work is a solution for those who want to take their work with them. The flexibility and productivity that come with remote work make it easier to balance your life and be more committed to your job or business. Remote work is becoming more commonplace in American offices- in fact, 43% of all Americans are now working remotely.

That’s because distributed offices are fulfilling important needs. Gone are the days were going to work means going to a building and sitting on a chair. The office is now wherever you are. You can be more productive in places without the offices, like at home, in Starbucks, or even sitting in your car.

You will not have to take time off for commuting

A new study by Citigroup shows that increased companies are encouraging their employees to work remotely. They do this because it increases productivity; reduces expenses for office space, and helps reduce the depletion of natural resources and global warming. Losing time commuting is one of the primary advantages of remote work.

Increasing the productivity of employees

Remote work isn’t a new trend. In fact, the first time a professor remotely supervised a student’s take-home midterm was in 1981. Now companies are using remote work for more than just making managers happy. Paired with activities to improve employee engagement, how leaders manage employees remotely can increase their productivity and ability to work by 37%.

Research has found that one of the major causes for lower productivity at traditional offices is social loafing, which is when people feel like other people will pick up the slack if they don’t do anything. This doesn’t happen in remote working environments because everyone knows that it’s an individual effort and not a team effort.

The third reason why remote work can increase employee productivity is that there is no commute time and because daily routines don’t get interrupted by distractions like different coworkers and bosses. Remote work not only provides a great opportunity for innovation but is also an effective tool to increase the productivity of employees. Why? For starters, they will be able to load up on all the work that their desk-bound counterparts cannot accomplish in one day due to long commutes.

Additionally, remote employees that is full-time will spend less time lost in traffic and using public transportation – meaning more hours can be devoted to catching up or briefing clients. Finally, telecommuting employees will spend less time in buildings that may contain health hazards like radon gas which emits fewer particles when researched outside.

Better balance between work and personal life

As a byproduct of the virtual assistants having a better balance between work and personal life, creativity and innovation can flow more freely, as well as increasing team member happiness which often leads to reduced sick days. Profit-wise, there is a direct correlation between remote work levels and profitability – it’s been proven that adding 26% more paying customers would repay the associated costs of remote workers.

Remote working shortens the duration of commute, fosters creativity, reduces distractions, saves time commuting to work, allows you to extend your workday up to 4 hours which increases productivity. It’s no secret that living for our jobs has put stress on us all. It seems like the case of burnout has become the modern standard. The latest trend in work-life balance is to remove yourself physically from your workplace to find work-life balance.

Forgiveness to any IT snafus that might come up

Remote work can be a source of peace for those who need to rest and recharge. A key benefit is that you are able to stay at home or close by if your work requires that if you are ill. Hectic periods of the year are less stressful without having to battle traffic or spend excessive time cooped up at an office cubicle.

Remote companies benefits are becoming more and more commonplace in the workplace. No longer is a location determinant of success or potential. Families are becoming blended because of the ease with which we could live miles from family members

Improving your health by getting organized

A lot of people shift remote work because they’re self-employed or freelancers. Others leave their jobs to be a part of a more exciting business. But did you know that these benefits, which sound so good at first, fade after a while? You might be interested but it doesn’t mean they’ll have a long-term good effect on your health and life balance.

Being off the job means more time to focus on your dream pursuits, it’s not easy, but it is possible. You have to get disciplined about where you are spending your time, spend extra time connecting with friends and family who are nearby, start cooking more so you don’t rely on restaurant food, put on some Netflix laundry shows, take up hiking or bicycling on the weekends–anything that gives you an excuse to be moving.

Avoid the costly parking rates the office imposes on employees

Generation Sicker, people born after 1994, see their parents leaving them high and dry. Many find that they’ll never be able to buy a house, plan for retirement or live off the savings their parents have built up. It’s not just about saving on rent or using public transportation instead of gas hogging cars.

Employees are now more willing to drive to the office if there is ample parking. Since it costs more to lease space in an office building, companies can save money on offshore staff. This means that employees are less likely to be distracted by things they see at the office, which maximizes their productivity. Plus, there are now many types of employers who offer remote work for this reason — consultancies, agencies, nonprofits, even governments


Remote work offers many benefits that cannot be surpassed by traditional office environments. Firstly, it provides a way for companies to save money on needing large spaces and giving employees lots of room to be creative and innovative. Second, remote workers will display better work output and be more productive than traditional employees who come into the office five days a week.

24×7 Direct is one of the leading BPO companies in the Philippines and has been helping businesses struggling to manage backend tasks and provide customer support. If you need someone who can handle any tasks that prevent you from focusing on your business, call us on 03 9014 1414.

Why Choose Us?

24x7Direct aligns with the factors that businesses typically look for in a virtual staffing agency. With our expertise, flexible services, effective communication, quality assurance, and robust data security measures, we aim to provide businesses with skilled professionals, customizable solutions, clear communication channels, performance reviews, and data confidentiality. We understand the importance of meeting businesses’ needs and helping them achieve their goals efficiently and effectively. At 24x7Direct, we strive to be a reliable virtual staffing agency that businesses can trust and rely on for their staffing needs. 

Services We Offer

At 24x7Direct, we are experts across industries and provide customizable virtual staffing solutions, including virtual assistants, customer support, data entry, and more. We ensure quality, security, and effective communication to support small businesses in achieving their goals. 

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