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Employees are a crucial part of any company whether they work part-time or full-time, they play an important role in growing your business; If you believe that the workforce is vital for your business, you would want to hire the right candidate to join your team. Outsourcing and offshore staffing will be the best way to grow your business. Getting the work done from offshore staffing agencies, help you to manage work and cut extra expenses made. It also prevents you from relatively spending much time managing them. Hiring up offshore staffing solutions from 24 X 7 Direct helps you overcome every hurdle in your business.

How Offshore Staffing Helps You?

Many businesses expect to see higher productivity levels with low-cost maintenance; It is possible by having the best offshore staffing company at your side. If you’re looking to hire an offshore staffing service, explore the benefits of having an offshore outsourcing service from reputed firms.

  • You can hire the best professionals in the industry without any hassle.
  • Saves your time
  • Reduce overhead costs
  • Seamless functioning of your business
  • Staffing flexibility
  • Continuity and risk management
  • Cost & efficiency

Why Should You Choose 24×7 Direct For Your Business?

We are the leading provider of offshore staffing services for both professional and personal businesses to help you grow your business. We provide top tier professionals including online marketing experts, back-office support, customer servicing, BPO and more. Our people work directly with sheer dedication to your business, saving costs and allowing you to scale your operation with ease.

Many businesses around the world hire offshore staffing Philippines with an aim for staffing flexibility and reduction in cost.

Offshore staffing companies in the Philippines are known for their exceptional work ethics and service-oriented culture which continuously raises the bar with corporate giants and surpass expectations. Their qualified teams with a strong customer-centric approach are easily adaptable to global demands.

As the leading company in staffing solutions, we fix all the complexities, that you face in hiring, and by gathering professionals from around the globe and sharing their talents to your business, we can help you soar high in your business. Hiring the right candidate has never been easier these days. we, at 24×7 Direct, will hire professional talents who perfectly fit your scale, match your job description and requirements. Enhance your business with better-quality candidates. Reach us on 03 9014 1414 to know more.

Why Choose Us?

24x7Direct aligns with the factors that businesses typically look for in a virtual staffing agency. With our expertise, flexible services, effective communication, quality assurance, and robust data security measures, we aim to provide businesses with skilled professionals, customizable solutions, clear communication channels, performance reviews, and data confidentiality. We understand the importance of meeting businesses’ needs and helping them achieve their goals efficiently and effectively. At 24x7Direct, we strive to be a reliable virtual staffing agency that businesses can trust and rely on for their staffing needs. 

Services We Offer

At 24x7Direct, we are experts across industries and provide customizable virtual staffing solutions, including virtual assistants, customer support, data entry, and more. We ensure quality, security, and effective communication to support small businesses in achieving their goals. 

Watch One Of Our Many Client Testimonials:

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You can leave the rest to us!

  • 70% saving on labour cost

    enabling greater efficiency and resource allocation for your business.

  • FREE recruitment & hiring

    using our proven hiring framework that’s already placed hundreds of top-tier virtual employees’ in Aussie businesses

  • Highly educated candidates with perfect English

    ensuring seamless communication and exceptional work quality.

  • One invoice. No hidden costs.

    Simplify your financial management with our streamlined process—receive one invoice and eliminate hidden costs, enhancing transparency and budget control.

  • Ongoing performance management

    so you don’t have to waste time managing virtual staff

Schedule Your Free Consultation

You can book a call by clicking a date of your choice and we’ll explain the whole process. We are based in Australia with all our staff based in the Philippines and have clients across the globe.

Looking for a job? Please apply on our Careers page!

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Fill in the form below to book a 30 min no-obligation consulting session. 

Looking for a job? Please apply on our Careers page!

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