Business’s Security Systems before You Engage A Virtual Assistant

business security system

Business’s Security Systems before You Engage A Virtual Assistant

business security system

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Are you ready to employ an assistant virtual (VA)?

One of the concerns we often hear is that business owners are concerned about their company’s security systems, which are designed to protect their company before employing someone remotely. It’s logical, you don’t know the person, and you’ll be giving them access to critical system and data about your company!

The majority of the time, virtual assistants (or any other person you could assign work) are honest about it. They won’t last very for long in this field of work, if they weren’t. But, for your own security (and to make an enlightened business saga) there are some ways to mitigate risk and protect your company.

8 Tips for Speeding the Performance of Your Business’s Security Systems Ahead of hiring a virtual Assistant

Create clear Data Security Policies

For many small-scale businesses for many small businesses, the VA hire may be the first hiring decision they make and it’s not surprising that they might not have a specific policy that is in place in regards to security measures for the company.

In general an ethical VA is aware of the importance of protecting your personal data, but it’s also a good practice to be crystal specific about what you expect from them.

Within your business documents create policies for corporate security of data, privacy and other issues pertinent in your safety. For instance, you could include a document classification policy if it’s that is important to you.

Also, give an eye to the capabilities virtual agents hold and the capabilities you need them to provide. If you’re able to restrict access to certain items which aren’t essential for them to possess in the first place, this is the best option. You could also require a more complex password to gain access to specific files, making it easier to secure information and ensure that only the people you wish to gain access to them can get access to them.

You might want to create templates of all the things your VA can and cannot be able to access, so that it’s easy to reference and follow for updates.

Take a look at your Corporate Virtual Security System Options

One thing we’ve seen businesses often doing is to give the VA hire (or another outsourcer) their personal security system passwords to log into their online accounts. For instance they give their WordPress account information, and allow the VA to login this way.

The issue is that in the event that something should occur, they’ll be able to access your personal information and you’ll have to fix everything. Additionally your password grants the administrator full access to your systems, which is not always the right thing to do.

For each network you are a part of, take a look at the options available to grant access to users. It’s better to make specific login procedures for the user, and more effective if you are able to limit the actions they are able to perform. For instance, take Facebook as an example. You can give the full admin access, or select one of the choices that limit the amount of access a person is granted. In this way, after the person quits your company, no matter how the configuration is set it is possible to revoke their access , rather than needing to change all of your passwords.

In a lot of these tools using unique user IDs, it allows you to monitor what other users do within your system. You can determine whether they are performing activities that are not relevant to their duties.

Another option is to take a look at software or tools that include version control in them. In this way, you’ll be able to observe the changes that were implemented and revert to the prior condition if needed.

You must ensure that you have security procedures in place when you require your virtual employees access to any of your systems, as this will ensure that you are protected from any security breaches that could compromise the security of your corporate data.

Use to create a password Manager

In addition to giving your virtual assistant unique restricted logins to those systems, it is possible that you may benefit greatly from having a password manager (like LastPass) alongside your virtual assistant, especially if the jobs you give the tasks to your VA require accessibility to all your internet accounts which could include social media platforms or CRM or Project Management tools. They can also access your company email accounts, bank accounts, or the cloud drives you have. The use of a password manager can ensure your data’s security, therefore it is a must as an integral part of your security system.

With a password manager you don’t have to reveal particular details for your online staff. A password manager, such as LastPass saves your passwords and usernames securely through the form of a website or app. It is also able to detect weak passwords and identify if you’re using the same passwords on multiple accounts . It can also help you change the passwords to one that is more secure.

You’ll be in a position to provide your credentials to your virtual assistant via the sharing function of the password manager as well as you and your VA is able access your accounts effortlessly without having to know what your actual passwords are. It’s also possible to remove access to the accounts through the password manager should they decide to leave your company at some point, which will protect your privacy.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Another way to secure your customer’s data, your own information, as well as your reputation is to insist that users use two-factor authentication. 2FA provides an additional security layer by making it mandatory for users to login, which is typically by using an authentication token or fingerprint. This helps assure that only trusted users have access to access your information and device, and also prevent unauthorised access.

This makes it more difficult to anyone who has been able to get access to or guess common passwords to get into your accounts and begin doing havoc, which makes 2FA an essential component of the security of your business nowadays. This ensures you have security and peace of mind knowing your personal information is secure.

If you’re not enabling two-factor authentication on your account or devices, this would be a great time to make the change. There are directions for enabling 2FA in a variety of websites such as Google, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Create Your Virtual Assistant Credit Card

What if your virtual assistant’s task description includes the responsibility to book things? Should you give your credit card information? It’s a question that is frequently asked we strongly discourage sharing your credit card details due to the obvious reasons of privacy and security risks which this can bring.

Be aware that the majority of credit cards come with conditions within the “fine print” which means that when you share your personal information and have experienced fraud, you do not get recourse through their standard fraud protection. This is a rule that you are to be enforced even if the crime was not related to the VA who held the information.

  • If you truly require the VA to to make use of the payment method in your security system for your business you should consider a different option that you can use, for instance:
  • You can give them a card with their name on the corporate accounts.
  • You must nominate your VA in writing to gain access (you’ll have to inquire the service you use whether they’ll allow this. You must inform them that your VA does not count as an employee when they’re contractors or are employed by an outside company).
  • Make sure you have an additional, prepaid card that only the VA has access to, but limit the amount they can are able to access.
  • Allow them access to a card which has a very small limit.

Utilize copyrights as well as patents

The protection of the intellectual property is usually an issue for businesses especially if they’re developing proprietary systems, tools or branding. Intellectual property laws differ in the way they apply based on the nation you reside in. Therefore, when you think you may require protection, make sure you speak with a competent attorney who knows about the management of information security.

A VA typically has a deep understanding of the inner workings of your business, therefore it’s only natural to take the necessary steps to safeguard your intellectual property with trademarks, copyrights, or patents. This will at the very least provide an official record and legal protection should you require it in the future.

Keep in mind that when you’re working with international partners it can be difficult to have intellectual property rights recognized and enforced. If you’re eligible to possess, it’s likely to be better to implement security measures like this rather than not.

Utilize NDAs and NCCs

The NDA (non-disclosure contract) will provide you legal recourse in the event that your VA disclose any proprietary information of your business with any other person. The idea is to protect the internal workings of your company as well as your client lists as well as any other crucial information about your business private.

A NCC (non-compete clause) could also be referred to as an CNC (covenant not to engage in competition). If you ask an worker to accept this document, you’re asking them to accept in writing that they won’t join or establish a similar business in competition with yours. Certain agreements allow employees to work for a competitor, but preventing employees from doing this for a specified period of time after they have been employed by you.

In general, there will be a duration limit for an NCC however, they can be restricted by geographic regions as well. The courts have upheld them as when they are believed to be containing “reasonable restrictions” (you cannot request someone to stop competing for a long time). The purpose is to keep the former employee or competitor from benefitting by virtue of the knowledge they possess of your company.

Do your homework on Providers

One of the best security measures you can adopt is to research carefully when the search for an assistant virtual. If you’re employing someone on your own and searching for a freelancer certain to look up their previous work and refer to their references.

You’re seeking someone with who you can verify the quality of their work and reliability. In addition, you’ll require background checks, initial interviews, and maybe even to verify their level of skill.

If you’re browsing any of the platforms such as Upwork, the candidates will generally have reviews and ratings, but be aware that some of them are often fake. You should connect with a real person to verify the references.

It’s quite laborious and maybe a bit overwhelming for those who aren’t familiar with hiring team members on their own. This is why a third-party virtual assistant firm could help you with a lot of work. You’ll need to research the company’s policies. Does the company have security measures that protect clients? Are they getting positive reviews from customers?

Most trustworthy companies will require their VAs to sign NDAs as well as contracts that oblige them to adhere to security and confidentiality regulations however, it is a good idea to make sure you ask. If you have a particular clause you’d like to include that isn’t in their contract, speak with the company about this.

Another benefit of your data security when working with a VA firm is the fact that your VA is under the immediate supervision of the company. In 24x7direct the VAs are grouped into teams, where quality assurance is monitored and new ideas are exchanged. This creates a community of accountability and efficiency that is designed to safeguard customers and provide them with the best possible service.

Last Thoughts

Security concerns for the business are a frequent argument from business owners who want assistance but aren’t sure if they should employ a virtual assistant. If you take a few security measures in place your company will be just as secure as a company that has co-located employees.

Get your business ready prior to time by examining the security measures you have, the options that you have to protect your data, and precisely what information about your business your VA is required to access. Make sure you protect your intellectual property when you can, and also ensure you have an NDA and policy which makes your position transparent.

The security of your business must be an important concern however it shouldn’t be a concern that it hinders you from receiving the assistance you require.

Why Choose Us?

24x7Direct aligns with the factors that businesses typically look for in a virtual staffing agency. With our expertise, flexible services, effective communication, quality assurance, and robust data security measures, we aim to provide businesses with skilled professionals, customizable solutions, clear communication channels, performance reviews, and data confidentiality. We understand the importance of meeting businesses’ needs and helping them achieve their goals efficiently and effectively. At 24x7Direct, we strive to be a reliable virtual staffing agency that businesses can trust and rely on for their staffing needs. 

Services We Offer

At 24x7Direct, we are experts across industries and provide customizable virtual staffing solutions, including virtual assistants, customer support, data entry, and more. We ensure quality, security, and effective communication to support small businesses in achieving their goals. 

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