How Time Doctor Increase Virtual Assistant Productivity

time doctor for productivity

How Time Doctor Increase Virtual Assistant Productivity

time doctor for productivity

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To ensure that our customers are pleased with our work as well as the service we offer We constantly work to improve our efficiency and effectiveness. One way we’ve succeeded in doing this is through the use of Time Doctor.

Time Doctor is a time monitoring as well as a productivity software that can help our team leaders as well as our Virtual Assistants (VAs)–be as productive as they can. Through this tool, we’re in a position to make sure that our customers are getting the most value from their VAs!

Continue reading to find out the ways Time Doctor helps us optimize our processes and help us keep our team focused!


How we can use Time Doctor to Improve Employee Efficiency and Productivity



How Time Doctor Works

Time Doctor is a tool that helps you gauge the effectiveness and stay on top of your tasks by keeping track of your employee’s activities, and giving you insight into how they are using their time. It’s a must-have tool for every business because it will help you pinpoint areas where you could be more efficient.

Time Doctor is simple to make use of: just create a project, assign the task, then start working.

While your employees are working, Time Doctor will track the time they are spending on every task. The program is running in the background of their laptop and captures screenshots at regular intervals. It then utilizes these images to produce an account of the way they spend their time.


At the time of the day, you’ll be able to see the time they’ve devoted to each project in addition to whether or not they’ve achieved their goals. If you discover that they’re taking too much time working on specific activities, you’ll be able to adjust your work schedule accordingly.


How Time Doctor Has Affected Our Members’ Productivity


The Virtual Hub, as well as The Virtual Hub, have used Time Doctor and we’ve found it to be a valuable aid to help our team members increase their performance!

To be precise We use Time Doctor to generate a clear and precise productivity report of our rockstars who interact with clients. This allows us to pinpoint what tasks are taking way too long and also where our team members spend long periods of time.

Time Doctor and Our Leaders

The reports that Time Doctor creates can help our leaders determine areas where our VAs could require more support or coaching that is crucial to employee development. It also assists us to identify the team members who are consistently reaching or exceeding their productivity targets.

Furthermore, by using this data, supervisors are capable of determining which sites and apps are visited from their staff members the most often. This will help them make sure that everyone is efficient and not spending too much time doing other activities or hobbies.

Then, we use the report to look at patterns of behavior that could be indicative of low efficiency. We also collect the opinions of our employees to determine how they feel about their work.

These data points aid us in identifying areas in which we should modify our system or process. It is then possible to detect any potential problems before they turn into a problem and our managers are able to make the necessary changes to resolve the issues.

The Time Doctor as well as our Team Members

Through Time Doctor, our client-facing rock stars can now be able to see in an instant how efficient they are with their time and which areas they’re needed to focus on. They can also look at a summary of their overall score.

This score is determined by elements like time spent working, breaks taken, as well as the number of tasks accomplished. In analyzing their productivity score Our team members are able to determine areas in which they require work on and set targets for themselves.

Furthermore, Time Doctor allows our virtual assistants to review the sites or applications they use during their working hours. They can also identify issues with productivity and make the necessary adjustments.

This means that Our rockstars have become more productive and focused than they have ever been!

Common Problems that Time Doctor has helped us to Solve

Since we’ve been making use of Time Doctor, we’re able to resolve a range of productivity issues that are common for example:

Clearness of Goals

Through Time Doctor, our team members can view their work schedule for the week or day prior to the time. This lets them schedule their time and more efficiently work towards realizing their goals.

time-consuming tasks

We are able to determine the tasks that take time for our customers and then find ways to speed up these activities. We can also adjust our priorities to accommodate.

Greater Transparency

Time Doctor has been able to enhance transparency within our organization by giving an overview of all employees’ tasks and levels of productivity. In this way, our employees are accountable for their work and they know that their supervisors are watching their accomplishments.


With the aid of the help of Time Doctor, we’re able to keep track of the activities of our team members, particularly in a remote setting, where our managers aren’t able to view their employees physically. We’re able to spot and remove distractions that contribute to a lack of productivity. we also have the ability to instruct our team members on how they can better manage their time and remain focused on their job.

Non-conformity in Productivity

Time Doctor has assisted us to identify employees who aren’t reaching their productivity targets We’ve been able to offer them the assistance they require to get to their normal routine.

Client Assurance

Time Doctor has given our customers the peace of mind of their projects are in the best hands and that we’re doing all we can to ensure the time-bound completion of their projects.

Live-Time Monitoring

Apart from evaluating the efficiency of employees based on outputs, Time Doctor has given our managers the capability to track the activities of their team members in real time. This means we’re in a position to take immediate action if needed.

Insanity or Burnout

It’s a surprise that Time Doctor is able to find employees with issues with work-life balance, or who work outside of their scheduled shifts. Our leaders can recognize those who are beginning to become overwhelmed and burnt out.

We’re able to then give our members the help they require to avoid these issues hindering their performance and also coach them to achieve the ideal time to balance work and leisure time.

Why Choose Us?

24x7Direct aligns with the factors that businesses typically look for in a virtual staffing agency. With our expertise, flexible services, effective communication, quality assurance, and robust data security measures, we aim to provide businesses with skilled professionals, customizable solutions, clear communication channels, performance reviews, and data confidentiality. We understand the importance of meeting businesses’ needs and helping them achieve their goals efficiently and effectively. At 24x7Direct, we strive to be a reliable virtual staffing agency that businesses can trust and rely on for their staffing needs. 

Services We Offer

At 24x7Direct, we are experts across industries and provide customizable virtual staffing solutions, including virtual assistants, customer support, data entry, and more. We ensure quality, security, and effective communication to support small businesses in achieving their goals. 

Watch One Of Our Many Client Testimonials:

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